
Augmented Reality Platform

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About the project

The Ario platform focuses on adding contextual knowledge from subject-matter experts and adding that knowledge to a spatial location on a 'when you need it' basis by using solutions such as step-by-step tasks, quizzes, checklists etc.

The Client

Ario, founded in 2016, is an augmented reality, software-as-a-service company. Ario's focuses on solving challenges for front-line workers in manufacturing and industrial spaces.


Knowledge retention and knowledge transfer can be a timely and daunting task in complex work environments which can result in downtime, damaged equipment, injury and cost.


Placed information points (Pips) were created to give context to complex work. Think of a folder on a desktop but with an x, y, z coordinate.

Web Portal

Ario app (iOS/Android)

Ario Connect (iOS/Android/web app)
graphic of Ario Connect desktop and iOS

The result

Promotional video campaigns

Ario Platform (2:11)

Ario Platform (15 seconds)

Ario Connect (15 seconds)

My role

As co-founder and creative director, my responsibilities were UI/UX design lead; 3D design pipeline; 3D optimization for AR and VR; and marketing (social, photography and videography).